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The APEC Architect Project: The Beginning

October 12, 2007

The APEC Architect project was endorsed by the HRDWG in 2000 following a proposal by the Australian government to facilitate the mutual recognition of skills and qualifications of architects in the provision of professionai services between member economies. The purpose of the APEC Architect project is to establish a common basis for the recognition of professional competence that will simplify access to independent practice as an architect in other participating economies.

The Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) of Australia had been involved with the APEC Architect project since its inception in 2001. And the project has been progressing with great success due to the contribution of the 12 participating economies involved in the project.

There have been four APEC Architect steering committee meetings held since 2001. At the final meeting held in Hawaii in September 2004, the APEC Architect Provisional Council was established, in May 2005, the second Provisional Council Meeting was held in Tokyo , and the Central Council was also constituted. Following the Meeting, the Central Council authorized the participating Monitoring Committees should be to maintain a section of the APEC Architect Register, and to declare the date on which the Register would become operational as September 19. 2005.

As the term of the Secretariat was endorsed as a period of two years, starting from January 1. 2005 until December 31, 2006, Chinese Taspei was to be responsible for administering the project and providing necessary services to all the APEC .Architect member economies. For the term from January 1, 2007 until December 31, 2008, Mexico will be responsible of the Secretariat.